faith-based working group
The faith-based working group recognizes that there is a significant opportunity for outreach to communities of faith in the DFW area to further the goals of our Climate Reality chapter.
Mission: We are a multi-faith group committed to the transformation and renewal of ourselves and our faith communities into leaders in caring for creation through compassion, humility, and the pursuit of environmental justice.
Increase Working Group membership - currently have 2-3 members
Participate in events linking faith and environment.
Participate in events linking environmental justice and faith groups (e.g. working with faith organizations)
Partner with local interfaith groups.
Greenfaith - WG Chair (Alex) to participate in Greenfaith training this year
Establish a curriculum/process for members to approach faith communities with suggestions to help “green” their organizations
Contact Alex Holland
Alex HolLand
group chair
The next working group meeting will be in February (date TBD).
Details will be posted to this page.
Recent event: Our working group participated in the GreenFaith International Day of Action - Sacred People, Sacred Earth in March.