Growing Solar in Texas
Why Is Plastic So Problematic?
Meet the CRP-DFW Leadership Team: Vice Chair Alex Holland
Meet the CRP-DFW Leadership Team: Chair Simon Rook
Why Your Personal Carbon Footprint Isn’t the Issue
Fellow Christians: Our Faith Calls Us to Act on Climate Change, Now
Reflections from the Chair, November 2021.
Reflections from the Chair. September 2021.
Letter to the Editor, Karem Montemayor Speaks Out
Reflections from the Chair. August 2021.
Science Based Target initiatives, June 2021
UN and IPCC publish 2021 Climate Change Review
Climate Chaos Avoidable!
Expertise Exodus
Filling the Gaps: Learning Difficult History Takes Effort
Reflections from the Chair. July 2021
Super Massive Solar Farm in Texas
Trillion Tree Act
Massive Solar Farm in Texas
Gifts of Trees (by Maureen Kellen-Taylor, PhD)